Bunker Survey (BQS)

Published on 24 August 2024 at 21:00

Why a Bunker Survey is a critical procedure in the Maritime industry

Accurate Fuel Accountability

  • Cost Control: Fuel is one of the largest operational costs for shipping companies. An accurate bunker survey ensures that the correct amount of fuel has been delivered or received, preventing overcharging or disputes between the fuel supplier and the ship owner.
  • Fraud Prevention: By providing a precise measurement of the fuel quantity before and after bunkering, bunker surveys help prevent fraudulent activities, such as fuel theft or discrepancies in fuel quantities.

Legal and Contractual Compliance

  • Contract Adherence: Bunker surveys are often a contractual requirement between ship owners, charterers, and fuel suppliers. They ensure compliance with the agreed terms regarding fuel quantity and quality.
  • Dispute Resolution: In case of disputes over the amount of fuel delivered, the bunker survey report serves as an official document that can be used in legal or arbitration proceedings.

Operational Efficiency

  • Voyage Planning: Accurate knowledge of the fuel on board is essential for effective voyage planning. It helps in determining the ship's range, speed, and fuel consumption rate, thereby optimizing the voyage.
  • Maintenance Scheduling: Monitoring fuel quality and quantity through regular bunker surveys can indicate potential issues with fuel systems or engines, allowing for timely maintenance and avoiding costly breakdowns.

Environmental Compliance

  • Pollution Prevention: An accurate bunker survey ensures that the fuel tanks are not overfilled, reducing the risk of spills that can cause environmental damage and lead to severe penalties.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ships must adhere to strict environmental regulations concerning sulfur content and emissions. Bunker surveys help verify that the correct type of fuel is used, ensuring compliance with MARPOL (Marine Pollution) regulations and other international standards.


  • Avoiding Overloading: An accurate bunker survey ensures that the ship is not overloaded with fuel, which can affect the vessel's stability and safety.
  • Preventing Contamination: A bunker survey can detect contamination or mixing of different fuel grades, which can lead to engine damage or failure, posing significant safety risks.

Insurance and Claims

  • Insurance Claims: In the event of an incident related to fuel, such as contamination or spillage, a bunker survey report provides evidence that can support insurance claims.
  • Financial Recovery: Accurate surveys ensure that any losses due to short delivery or fuel quality issues can be identified and recovered from the responsible parties.

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